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  • English

Completed Works

PECORELLI snc Company, born in 1863, began to deal with restoration of historical and artistic value buildings around 1950, when there was the reorganization of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the establishment of Superintendents in Italy, becoming immediately reference enterprise for Arezzo and Perugia's Superintendents.
From that moment it carries out construction-restoration-conservation of cultural heritage (private construction-architectural supervision-curia-government etc ...).
PECORELLI s.n.c. Company operates in compliance with the UNI-ISO 9001:2008 law, controls are carried out in accordance with the law;
PECORELLI s.n.c. Company has SOA certifications
OG1 class IV
OG2 class IV
The large availability of materials and equipments suited to the specific processes, continuously updated, make the company having a prestigious collocation in realization of historical-artistical-cultural works;
The experience has made possible tricky operations such as the detachment of the fresco "Madonna del Parto" by Piero della Francesca, on the order of the Superintendent of Arezzo.

"Particular" restoration and consolidation processes ensure the company working in full compliance with the rules and historical architecture, through investments in production and continuous updating of all the workers.
Each restoration and consolidation work takes care of historical-artistic-architectural contextualization as well as the geographical areas of relevance.


The company is highly specialized in the restoration of the highest quality heritage.    
The realization of the restoration work goes through a selective examination of all the suitable materials.
The Direction is committed to continuous updates about the "new" next-generation products placed on the market by the largest companies in building materials.

Particular attention is given to the new techniques of GREEN BUILDING.
For these techniques, the company is in possession of appropriate theoretical and practical preparation. The courses were followed by everyone.
Some of the GREEN BUILDING realizations are recognized as excellent examples.
The PECORELLI snc Company has a suitable preparation in "accident prevention" regulations and all the workers have received and shall receive appropriate preparation.    

Some relevat customers: Soprintendenza ai beni culturali di Arezzo e Perugia, Curia Vescovile di Arezzo, Istituto Diocesano per il sostentamento del Clero di Arezzo, Comune di Città di Castello, Comune di Sansepolcro, Comune di Arezzo, Comune di Sestino, Comune di Caprese Michelangelo, Comune Anghiari, Comune di Citerna, Comune di San Giustino Umbro, Comune di Monterchi, Provincia di Arezzo, Provveditorato Opere pubbliche Arezzo-Perugia-Firenze, Regione Toscana, Regione Umbria, Unione dei Comune della Alta Valle del tevere, Ambasciata di Serbia in Italia.